It is amazing how inspiration can strike at any moment. I'm sitting in worship this morning and we're singing Ring out the message but it was the final verse that grabbed my immediate attention. "Sin and doubt to sweep away till shall dawn the better day, ring it out ring it out. Till the sinful world be won for Jehovah's mighty Son, ring it out ring it out."
It's estimated that women NEED to speak an average of 15,000 words a day while men speak that many in a week. I wondered how many of those 15,000 words do we spend discussing or telling someone about Jesus? It just seems to me that as much as women NEED to talk {it's a scientific fact, look it up men :)} we could save the world. Imagine in one week we've spoken 105,000 words. I don't know how much each person you spoke to would need, but try it out. Use your words for Jesus instead of the latest episode of whatever new show is out and let us at Virtuous know how it goes. We're going to be using our words differently too!
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