Tuesday, October 6, 2009

So much to do... So little time

Posted by Brittany at 2:06 PM
There are so many things happening in October I'm super excited. For one the Tara COC is having their ladies day Oct. 31st and I am making scrapbooks for decoration...fun! The Avondale COC is having their ladies retreat in Savannah Oct. 23-25 and boy could I use a retreat. I already know where I will be spending all of my little money, The Paris Market and Brocante! Also, I am preparing for the Virtuous Launch Party (more details to follow), and speaking of Virtuous it launches in 26 days...excitement!!!!

So much to look forward to, but looking back on Sunday and the awesome sermon given by Bro. Eric Owens of Avondale, all I can say is wow. The sermon was called "Watching for the Master" and was about being a servant of Jesus and being watchful for His return. But the part that I believe had everyone in self reflection was when he asked did people want to live their lives always under construction? He said some people are dirt pushers; they never build anything because if they did they would have to move on to something else. He asked what if you did make your marriage great by working hard or rear God fearing children by actually parenting them; then you would have to move on to the next thing. But some people are so afraid of what's next that instead of building anything they just push the same dirt around in different piles for 5, 10 or 15 years! I definitely don't want to be a dirt pusher and I don't want you to be one either. So let's get our hands dirty and accomplish whatever it is we've been pushing around.


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