Friday, March 12, 2010

What do you think?

Posted by Brittany at 9:25 PM

Read this article about a Mississippi school denying a lesbian student to bring her female date and then canceling the prom altogether. It's an interesting tactic and I want some opinions on it.


Unknown on April 4, 2010 at 8:43 PM said...

Here's my opinion on the matter: I believe that homosexuality is a sin, and that it is wrong (according to the Bible). However, I also feel that we should despise the sin and not the sinner. We all have our battles with sinful nature. But I can't understand how some people can see their specific sin as "normal and accepted." As far as cancelling the prom, I think it was drastic. I'm not sure how I would've handled the situation had I been an administrator at the school. There is so much separation between church and state, it makes it diffcult to impose your beliefs on the rest of the world (school in this matter).

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